Looking for service projects with a Catholic Charities agency? here are just a few to consider:
In Erie County:
1. Catholic Charities Counseling and Adoption Refugee Resettlement Program:
Adult volunteers over 18 are needed to set up apartments for incoming refugee families and pick up furniture donations. Opportunities for high school students also avaiable.
Volunteers are needed in the food pantry and/or thrift shop. Youth volunteers must have a parent or teacher with them to assist (if not possible, please contact Jessica to make arrangements)
Teachers may bring classes on a service “field trip” to help at the soup kitchen – open daily between 9 am and 4 pm
Youth volunteers may assist with filing and cleaning
Volunteers aged 16 and up are needed to answer phones daily from 3-4 pm
Volunteers are needed for the Bowl-a-Thon Fundraiser on March 10th, from 12 -3 pm to assist with registration, t-shirt distribution, set-up, and clean-up